September 30, 2007

No Better Medicine than prayers and friends

Hello Friends and Family,

Just wanted to let you know that I am feeling much better. The hospital has shown us a place where we can get wireless internet and we wanted to give you an update. Initially after a few tests, etc., the doctors determined that I had a very serious infection of my frontal and maxillary sinuses. My nasal septum is also deviated (bent) and prevented the release of puss and other liquids so the pain and infection built up quite fast. They put me on an array of medicines and IV of antibiotics for almost four hours a day. They also did an endoscopic examination of my nasal cavity to determine if I needed emergency surgery. After examining the infection, they determined that no surgery was needed and that a consistant dose of antibiotics over the next week should cure the infection. A CT Scan, EKG, Lung and chest x-ray, as well as blood tests revealed that the infection had not spread throughout the rest of my body so everything seems to be contained. I have a occassional cough and am fatigued, but after three days in the hospital the infection is getting better and the doctors will send me back home today. I will still have to come into the hospital for four more days for 'nasal washing' (a pleasant experience) and more IV, but I do not need to stay here overnight.

Thank you for all of your prayers and thoughts over the past few days. It was initially a little scary, being in China with such a serious infection, but according to the doctors and our school we are at the best hospital in our province and many of the doctors here speak good English so they can give us detailed information. Kealy is taking very good care of me, and many people from the college and friends have stopped by to hang out and chat. We have felt your love and God's presence here and we continue to praise Him for His protection and thank Him for your love. We love you all and we'll keep you posted.

Ryan and Kealy Thorson

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