The Senate Chamber where I work. This week has been a busy one. Everything from discussin the war in Iraq to same sex relationships. Sometimes I feel emotionally drained just from absorbing all of the passionate debate. The Senators have been very civil, however, and I haven't had the chance of throwing anyone out by the ear yet. Maybe my time will come.
But what we really look forward to is our time spent with you, our friends and family. Ping pong has become a popular past-time. Charles, Brock, Jeff and I even invented a new form of ping pong with miscellaneous household items scattered on the table. We call it 'junk pong' and you have to play the bounce off of the household items. We are thinking about patentening it. Probably didn't spell that right?
Anyways, thanks for your friendship. Maybe I will find some of my friends to take a picture with me so I can show proof that people like me too. We love you all, have a great weekend.
Ryan and Kealy Thorson
About the 1st graders falling out of their chairs everyday... it is so true!! I think it is because they sit on the very front edge of the chair, then when something catches their attention they turn around really quickly and they fall off. Or, there are the day dreamers who are so slumped over on the desk, deep in thought, and they just flat out fall off. Sometimes the reason why the charis fall over too is because the darn kid is tipping the chair on 2 legs trying to be cool- I never feel bad when they fall. In my class, our tummies always touch our desks and our feet are placed in front of our chair. Gosh, sorry... I didn't realize I had so much to say about kids falling off chairs. Guess I see it everyday. LOTS OF LOVE, Kristi
Lets go, more blogging!
What a great picture of the two of you. Congratulations on getting selected to teach in China. I am so very proud of you! Love, Mom
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