Dear Friends and Family,
Today marked the 33 week milestone of Kealy's pregnancy. This week has gone by fast. We are looking forward to an important ultrasound next Tuesday, that will give us a window into the little ones' development over the past month as well as there positioning which is important when considering what type of birth they will experience.
After so many wonderful showers from family and friends, we've had a fun time trying to 'organize' the nursery. We have more and more things that we need in order to give the kids a good start. These are just a few of the wonderful 'gifts' we've been given.
During one of the showers, the participants 'created' these little onesies for the babies:
After a wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner with the college students last night, we decided it was appropriate to put up our Christmas decorations, so that we could relax after our weekend with family this week. We enjoyed putting up our tree and other special homemade and family decorations.
We are so thankful that we've had so much time to spend together to prepare for this exciting new adventure. During this week of Thanksgiving, we've had chances to reflect on all the wonderful things God has blessed us with, as well as a renewed call to continue to be a blessing to others. Thank you for your love and support, we are so thankful to be bringing our kids into a community and family with so much love!
Stay tuned for more updates!
in Christ,
Ryan and Kealy Thorson